EduDream Brief History & Student Background

Brief History Of Karisma Edudream

During the Winter Light of Hope for Syria 8.0 Mission in December 2021, the KHOM team made an unexpected visit to the Jordanian Centre of Hearing and Speech in Irbid, Jordan. Here, we met the centre’s Syrian orphans for the first time.

Most of them were scared because they were not used to strangers like us. We interviewed 15 of them and found that they did not know how to read nor write. But all of that has changed since KHOM started the Karisma EduDream project in January 2022.

Who are the Edudream Orphans?

13 of the 15 students are orphans. They are without their fathers and some are without both parents.

Collaboration between Karisma Humanitarian Outreach Mission (KHOM) and Khayrin Faqir Resources (KFR)

The Karisma Humanitarian Outreach Mission (KHOM) has collaborated with Khayrin Faqir Resources (KFR) in fundraising sponsorships to ensure that Syrian orphans can continue their education and receive ongoing food assistance.

Where Your Donation Goes
How does the programme run?

Arabic and English classes are held every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. We are also in the planning stages of organizing Quranic studies, which is still in the process of obtaining approval. Beside that, we provide hot meals and juice every Saturday.

With your donation, the child will be able to attend classes instead of work to support his or her family. Your support will also allow the child to enjoy a healthy meal instead of begging to survive.

What happens if we don’t help?

Without sponsorship or help coming from charity, Edudream orphans will most probably:

1) They have to work or beg
2) They suffer from sickness due to the lack of food
3) They will have no protection in the form of clothing and shelter.
4)They face a higher risk of starvation and illnesses.
5)They are vulnerable to depressive symptoms (due to a poor environment and a lack of receiving care and love from people around them)

Extreme Cases Of Edudream Orphans
The Girl Named Aya, 13

When we first encountered Aya, she sat in class only wearing a black EduDream t-shirt and pajama pants, her body trembling from the biting cold of winter. Her bare feet were exposed to the cold air, from beneath her slippers, lacking the warmth of socks.

Aya’s resort to begging for food began at the tender age of 10. She faces constant harassment, from wiping cars for meager earnings. Her living situation is dire, residing with her brother under the care of their grandparents.Aya’s wardrobe consists solely of the black t-shirt provided by KHOM. She shares a pair of slippers with her grandmother, where they would take turns to wear.

Last year marked a rare occasion for Aya—a taste of meat, a luxury beyond her usual diet of thyme and yogurt.

Homeless Maram

We received the saddest news yesterday where one of our EduDream for Syria students, Maram’s little brother passed away due to hunger and cold.

Maram, a Palestinian refugee, is sponsored by KHOM to learn under the Karisma EduDream program in Jordan. Including herself, she has 4 siblings. We received news on 10 April 23, that her 5 year old brother, Ahmed died of hunger and cold.

Our officer who visited the family was shocked and devastated with their living conditions. It seems that her siblings and mother are homeless and live in open basements of apartment buildings.We never knew of their living conditions as Maram’s mother was too embarrassed to mention it.

Our food box distribution was carried out on the 11 of April 23, just a day too late….We had to wait for funds to come in before we could help any of our EduDream refugee students who are mostly orphans.

The Karisma EduDream’s struggle for sustenance is a grim reality, proof of the urgency of our intervention.

The Edudream Orphans You Sponsor are EAGER and HUNGRY for EDUCATION

*Important Disclaimer :
As a foster parent, you will support the child’s educational needs in Jordan. However, the child cannot be brought back to Malaysia or to the country of the foster parent. The child will remain in Jordan under the legal care of their guardian. The ‘adoption’ is meant to sponsor and secure their needs.

  • Click Here to download “EduDream Student Background 2024 New Registration”
  • Click Here to download “Teacher Maram’s Profile”