Since 2015, we've touched thousands of souls in search for hope through our efforts empowering humanity.

For dignity, honour, respect, pride, hope.
For Humanity. 

KHOM believes that every person in need deserves a world of hope and the right to opportunities in survival, education, protection & development.

Our mission is to inspire hope and alleviate the sufferings of victims struck by war, poverty, hunger and catastrophes.

Scars of Syria

KHOM believes that every person in need deserves a world of hope and the right to opportunities in survival, education, protection & development.

Our impact

We have successfully reached out to more than 500,554 souls through our humanitarian missions which has directly impacted thousands globally.

total beneficiaries
countries covered
successful missions

Here's how we help them

KHOM runs humanitarian relief efforts and also focuses on sustainable projects to assist vulnerable communities. This is how your contributions have given ‘life’ to devastated souls.


Light of Hope

Our international humanitarian response

Heart of Hope

Local assistance for low-income families

Heart of Hope

Local assistance for low-income families

Teratak Kasih

Home improvement projects

News & Stories

Gempak : Berjaya Kumpul Sebanyak RM30,000 Dalam Masa Sehari, Stesen Radio MIX & Rakyat Malaysia Bersatu Sokong Gaza

Stesen radio MIX telah melancarkan kempen “Satu Dunia, Satu Kemanusiaan,” sebuah inisiatif untuk meringankan penderitaan mangsa perang di Gaza. Dengan kerjasama organisasi bukan kerajaan (NGO) Karisma Humanitarian Outreach Mission (KHOM), inisiatif ini bertujuan menginspirasi usaha bermakna untuk membantu mereka yang memerlukan dan mengukuhkan aktivisme sosial dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Bacaan

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For dignity, honour, respect, pride, hope. For Humanity.

KHOM believes that every person in need deserves a world of hope and the right to opportunities in survival, education, protection & development. Our mission is to inspire hope and alleviate the sufferings of victims struck by war, poverty, hunger and catastrophes.