How you can help

KHOM has been going around to sustain hopes of many lives... but it is not possible without the help of supporters like you.

With your support, KHOM aims to put an end to generational poverty, hunger & sufferings from war & catastrophes.

KHOM contributors invest in the lives of the needy, helping them get the education, life skills and confidence they need to break free from their sufferings. The force of their combined efforts starts a powerful multiplier effect that empowers themselves to change their own lives and futures, transforming their families and communities too.


Our efforts are not limited to just providing relief. We aim to help the vulnerable population to have a better future. To empower needs commitment & consistent efforts. Therefore, your monthly gift will help them to have life-changing benefits.

Don’t feel ashamed when giving little for CHARITY, that is because there is always GOODNESS in GIVING no matter how LITTLE.
- Ali Ibn Abu Talib

We encourage Malaysian donors to practice Sedekah Subuh as a a daily practice as this is one way to pave the way in creating huge differences from little efforts which benefits both, the receiver and the giver.

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Active Campaign

Taja Pendidikan Anak-Anak Yatim Syria Projek EduDream Karisma

You are war children’s only hope for a better future. During the Winter Light of Hope for Syria 8.0 Mission in December 2021, the KHOM team made an unexpected visit to the Jordanian Centre of Hearing and Speech in Irbid, Jordan. Since donations were pouring in for the mission, the team pushed for a last minute effort to provide food for Syrian refugee children, less than 18 hours before returning to Malaysia. Here, Mission Director Marina and the team spent some time with the children and in that short period of time, we discovered several things about them.

Your contributions guarantee the beneficiaries to receive benefits and support that can dramatically change their life.

We make that possible by maximizing our efficiency and keeping administrative costs low—so that 85 percent of our total expenses goes to the beneficiaries.
